First-class Connectivity
This unique solution features integrated batteries and Bluetooth® communication, and provides an external UHF option for the Sokkia GCX receiver line.
Like all of our products, you can customize it to meet your needs and create your own workflows.
• Wireless modem configuration and data transfer via Bluetooth®
• Light, weighing only 420 g
• Long operational time
• Receive Mode: 20 hours
• Transmit Mode: 6 hours at 1 W
• IP67 Rating
Extend your range
The R4S-BT combines a UHF radio modem, Bluetooth, and an internal battery all together in a rugged IP67 classified housing. If you need to extend the communication radio
range between between your RTK base station and rover,
the R4S-BT is a perfect fit.

Get more out of your existing equipment
If you already have a GCX3 but find yourself on a bigger job site or without a clear line-of-sight, you’re now able to extend the range from 300 m up to a mile. Even if you have a
third-party GNSS receiver, our open architecture lets you easily adapt the R4S-BT into your workflow and create a modular solution.
1. Affordable UHF base + rover option
2. Easily upgrade your SiteComm rover into UHF rover
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